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Mgr. Beata Ježowiczová

In her field, she specializes primarily in providing comprehensive legal advice to business entities, insolvency law, legal relationships regarding real estate, and labour law. She represents clients in court and administrative authorities, including defense and representation of victims in criminal proceedings. She also acts as an insolvency administrator.

Membership in professional organizations:

  • The Czech Bar Association
  • The Register of Providers of Assistance to Victims of Crime

Previous practice:

  • Law Office JUDr. David Karabec
  • Law Office JUDr. Alicja Klimešová, Mgr. Alicja Kellerberg Klimeš, LL.M., JUDr. Zdeněk Klimeš

Education: Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague
Languages: Czech, Polish, English
Attorney at Law since: 2013

Mgr. Tomasz Pustówka

In his field, he specializes primarily in providing legal advice in the areas of business relationships, commercial companies, contractual law, and compensation for damages, within both the Czech and Polish legal environments. He represents clients in civil litigation, criminal proceedings, and proceedings in administrative authorities. He is also a registered mediator under the Mediation Act.

Membership in professional organizations:

  • The Czech Bar Association
  • The Czech-Polish Chamber of Commerce
  • The European Lawyers' Association
  • The Register of Mediators maintained by the Ministry of Justice

Previous practice:

  • Law Office Řanda Havel Legal s.r.o.
  • Law Office HAJDUK & PARTNERS s.r.o.
  • The Court of Justice of the European Union
  • The European Parliament
  • Faculty of Advocates (Edinburgh)

Education: Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague
Languages: Czech, Polish, English
Attorney at Law since: 2015

Mgr. Alicja Wimmer

In her practice, she focuses on providing comprehensive legal advice in the areas of civil and family law. She deals with issues related to debt recovery, compensation for damages, and the resolution of civil disputes. In the field of criminal law, she provides defense and represents victims in criminal proceedings, including asserting their claims for compensation for damages caused by criminal offenses.

Membership in professional organizations:

  • The Czech Bar Association
  • The Register of Providers of Assistance to Victims of Crime

Previous practice:

  • Law Office Mgr. Jan Varga
  • Law Office JUDr. Václav Luťcha
  • Law Office Mgr. Beata Ježowiczová

Education:: Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague
Languages: Czech, Polish, English
Attorney at Law since: 2019

JUDr. Urszula Pustówka

Her work includes legal counselling in civil, commercial and criminal law. In addition to her experience in the Czech Republic, she has also gained legal and language skills internationally, including an internship at the Council of the European Union and the Erasmus programme stay at Faculty of Law in Wrocław. She is also active in publishing and obtained her JUDr. degree from  Faculty of Law at Charles University in 2023.

Membership in professional organizations:

  • The Czech Bar Association

Previous practice:

  • The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
  • The Council of the European Union

Education: Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague
Languages: Czech, Polish, English
Lawyer since: 2021

Mgr. František Buba

As part of his legal trainee practice, he focuses primarily on civil, commercial, labour, and criminal law. Performing his professional duties provides him with the opportunity to continuously develop his skills in solving various legal issues. He views each case as a challenge to find optimal and effective solutions for clients. In his work, he emphasizes diligence and a responsible approach.

Membership in professional organizations:

  • The Czech Bar Association

Previous practice:

  • Law Office JUDr. Ing. PhDr. Zdeněk Rajda, Ph.D.

Education: Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno
Languages: Czech, Polish, English
Trainee Lawyer since: 2024

Bc. Alena Beneszová

As a legal assistant, she specializes in providing administrative support to the legal team and insolvency administrator, preparing legal documents, communicating with clients, and organizing work processes. Thanks to her precision, organizational skills, and knowledge of the legal environment, she helps ensure the smooth operation of the office and the efficient delivery of legal services.

Education:University of Management in Warsaw

Clerk since: 2015